General English 13385 Words
All of the English vocabulary ever required for your educational and career needs.
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Start with V-Check
You probably already know a high percentage of these 9125 words. When you begin, the V-Check test will automatically identify the words you are missing and organize a target list of new words just for you. We teach you those missing words in order of their importance.
How was the All General English word list created?
The All General English course was developed under the direction of senior lexical scientist Dr. Brent Culligan who, together with his team, analyzed a corpus consisting of 1.18 trillion total words drawn from:
・One billion web pages of all types
・30,000 popular and classic books
・10,000 university textbooks
The research team identified the 9125 high-frequency words that provide full comprehension for all forms of English in all types of situations.